Sustainable Agro-Food Production and Value Addition Model Farm, RUSL

Started on September 5, 2022

The inauguration ceremony of “SUSTAINABLE AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTION AND VALUE ADDITION MODEL FARM, RUSL” was held on 05th September 2022 in Block 03, Faculty of Agriculture Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama, Anuradhapura.   

The ceremony was held with the participation of the Chancellor of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Ven. Etalawetunawawe Gnanathilaka Thero as the Chief Guest, Prof. (Mrs.) G.A.S. Ginigaddara, Vice Chancellor, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka as the Guest of Honour, Council member of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka ,Deans of Faculties and provincial and district officers of North Central Province, Academic and Non-academic staff, Students and Farmers of Bandarapuliyankulama.

The objective of the model farm is to provide food and fulfill the nutritional  requirements of students, academic and non-academic staff of RUSL and neighbouring community at a reasonable price and to reduce the expenses on the food of students its first step and after a several steps of upliftment it might  be developed to a self-sustainable model farm of the University catering to education and service provision to national and international community.  

The first harvesting ceremony of this Sustainable Agricultural Project was held on 15.12.2022

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