“MAgri course is on par with international standards and recognized by the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka”

I attained my BSc in Agriculture (special in Agricultural Biology) from Eastern University Sri Lanka and now I am a PhD candidate at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. I want to say, that gap between the two degrees could avoid by achieving the degree of Master in Agriculture, Rajarata University Sri Lanka. This programme led my future on the correct way. MAgri degree is included with good course content and a good teaching panel. I appreciate all the staff in the teaching panel who did their responsibilities in a friendly and kind manner. I don’t want to forget my fellow batchmates who spend a great time together and until now we all are together sharing our happiness. Finally, I want to mention MAgri course is on par with international standards and recognized by the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka. Ms. Imara AbeysekaraBatch Representative – 2020 IntakePhD Candidate, University of Agriculture, Punjab, Pakistan

“The Master of Agriculture course at RUSL provided a golden opportunity for me to expand my horizons of knowledge”

Having understood the important relationship that exists between crops and irrigation, without any confusion, I applied to the Master of Agriculture program at the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL) and I advanced my knowledge and understanding of modern agriculture. As a Chief Irrigation Engineer, it helped me support and sustain the agriculture sector of the motherland through the specific services and use of novel technologies acquired during this course. Now, I could better understand the problems in agriculture and perform better in solving those problems with my enhanced knowledge and using my expertise in the engineering domain. During my master programme, I got an opportunity to attend the 11th international summer school on the water at the Norwegian University of Life sciences (NMBU) from 13th June – 1st July 2022 on behalf of the RUSL. This program is a part of the activities associated with several ongoing projects managed by the Water Environment, Sanitation and Health (WASH) group of NMBU, held for the eleventh consecutive year. I was among the 53 participants and became part of the Water Harmony Global Educational and Research network, which includes 82 universities from 51 countries. The Master of Agriculture course at RUSL provided a golden opportunity for me to expand my horizons of knowledge. Mr. P. Rasikaran Chief Irrigation EngineerMAgri Candidate – 2022 Intake

Developing a Program for 2D modeling of the Sediment Distribution in the Northern region of Mannar Basin Interpreting Satellite Gravity Anomalies

Contributors Dr. Chathuranga Thotawattage Partners Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Started in September 2023 4 Months Project SDG Achievements According to the energy information in previous years, level of the access to the affordable and reliable energy in Sri Lanka decrease rapidly. The two main reason for this is economic crisis and lack of own resources. However, positive indication of Mannar basin hydrocarbon potential light up the hope of reliable energy production in Sri Lanka. But due to lack of technologies relating to the source identification, deaccelerate the exploration process. Therefore, this study provides new methodology with software to identify initial level hydrocarbon potentials in Mannar Basin. The information provided by this research will lead the future hydrocarbon exploration projects in Sri Lanka. Energy is decisive factor in achieving higher level of economic productivity. Using own energy production such as petroleum and gas, we can achieve this task in some extent. Therefore the results of this research came up with creativity and innovation we can owned our own energy production company in Sri Lanka. This will significantly reduce energy unit price and help to empowering micro-small and medium sized business which need energy for their production. Research and development can be identified as the back born of the technological evolution of the country. Adopting own technologies to our country will sustain our own development. Upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sector will come up with the development of research and development of each sectors. This research also provide naval technological development on the marine resource exploration sector. The proposed software provide detailed information about sediment distribution in Mannar basin of Sri Lanka can provide initial information about hydrocarbon potentials. Exploration of subsurface marine resources in Sri Lanka still in very preliminary stage due to lack of technological innovations. However, Bay of Bengal is one of the resources rich bays in the world. The proposed study will provide new technological tools, which can be used to explore subsurface hydrocarbon potential in Mannar basin. In the mean time, sustainable utilization of marine resources can be ensured by monitoring the area continuously. The proposed software can used to monitoring the area continuously by using satellite images. Exploration of marine resources are big task and it cannot be achieved by our own. Global partnership is essential for this explorations and to that end we need to provide baseline analysis of the resources of the targeting area. This is prime important for encouraging global partners to contribute exploration projects. The proposed study will provide necessary information that needs to provide for the global investors for their initiation.

Development of novel gel-polymer electrolytes and graphite-based anodes for rechargeable Lithium ion batteries

Contributors Dr. Chathuranga Thotawattage Partners Rajarata University of Sri Lanka National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka Started in September 2023 4 Months Project SDG Achievements Lithium ion batteries as an energy storage device have achieved a great attention in specially portable electronic devices and electric vehicles. But due to the use of volatile and flammable liquid organic electrolytes in batteries, may improve safety issues such as fire and explosion. In order to address these safety risks, all solid-state lithium batteries have been developed in the past years, but due to low ionic conductivities of electrolytes, cause the reduction in usage in many industrial applications. As a compromise strategy, gel polymer electrolytes can be use with combined advantages of both high ionic conductivity and safety.The overall objective of the project is to develop polymer based gel electrolyte to be used in the application of rechargeable Lithium ion batteries together with Sri Lankan vein graphite based anodes developed from the National battery research center located at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy. This research work focused on to develop novel materials to be used in the current technology of batteries with readily available, sustainable and low-cost materials in order to improve the overall performance of the device focusing on the ionic conductivity and specific capacity improvements. This research findings can be further developed through a research and development phase in order to fabricate a rechargeable Lithium ion battery for commercial purposes.

Treatment of dye wastewater from Batik industry using agricultural and industrial wastes as adsorbents

Contributors Dr. Chathuranga Thotawattage Partners Rajarata University of Sri Lanka National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka Started in September 2023 4 Months Project SDG Achievements Synthetic dyes are extensively used in various fields such as textile, printing and decoration. Due to its toxicity, stability, and high concentration, directly affect aquatic lives and human beings. These dyes can be results in increase of hormone disruptions, asthma and allergies, chronic lung diseases and chronic kidney disease etc. Most of the batik produced is in the form of small and medium enterprises and usually does not have a wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, generally these industries dispose of wastewater directly into the soil or rivers, which has caused pollution.Therefore, in this research is mainly focused on to treat wastewater by using agricultural and industrial wastes to reduce the risk of pollution of water. This is a low cost method and can use industrial and agricultural wastes as dye adsorbing material. This research was intended to determine the ability of reduction of the risk level and to reduce the affect in aquatic lives and human beings.

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